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Poslední aktualizace: 17.1.2009
Journal Treking
Journal TREKING is the oldest and nowadays the largest and the most universal outdoor journal in the Czech Republic and it is also distributed in Slovakia. It has been published for 15 years now although only the third year under this new name. The original name of the journal was Tourism and Mountains (Turistika a hory). After the change of the publisher in 2001, this original name remained only in the subtitle and Treking became a new name. The range of the magazine is very wide. It touches practically all outdoor activities in the mountains and in the open air. The main part of the magazine is engaged in tracking, tourism, alpinism and mountaineering, a great part is also devoted to cycletourism, very popular nowadays. It also remembers travelling to exotic countries, outdoor equipment tests, interviews, etc. The magazine also deals with Slovakia in a high degree, mountains in the Carpathians and the Balkans and other eastern countries.

Treking has been published for 14 years
The circulation of the magazine is 12 500 copies
7 copies will be issued in 2006, minimum volume is 64 pages + 8 pages cover and information insert
One copy is read by 2.67 readers on average (survey in 2005)
Subscribers comprise 17%, sale in outdoor shops includes 6% and 77% is in current distribution

7% of readers are under 20 years, 23% at the age from 21 to 30, 33% at the age from 31 to 40, 16% at the age from 41 to 50, 12% at the age between 50 and 60, 9% are over 60. Out of these numbers women form 36%, men 64%. 34% of readers have university education, 61% passed an examination for school-leaving certificate, 5% have basic education.

- Treking Magazine - a specialist on Slovakia and the Carpathians
- original reports and interviews
- outdoor equipment tests and technical articles on this equipment
- cycletourism and tracking bike tests
- tourism, tracking, alpinism, mountaineering, travelling and extremes
- tips for one-day trips and pieces of advice for travelling abroad
- regular meetings with the editors on the mountaintops
- information about the newcomers on the outdoor market
- information about interesting websites dealing with travelling and outdoor activities
- calendar/schedule of tourist, skiing and cycletourist and other actions
- advertisement
Témata našich článků…
Aktuální počasí Zverovka Praděd Krkonoše, ubytování Soumrak Karlštejn Žiarska chata Roháče, ubytování Macocha Hranická propast Letní obloha Zámek Hluboká Elbrus, Kavkaz Kráľova studňa Loket Porubský bludný balvan Beskydy, ubytování Spacáky Gran Paradiso
Populární treky
1. Rumunské hory Vilcan, hory polonin a krásných výhledů
2. Ukrajinské Karpaty Přes Ploskou poloninu a údolím Černé Tisy do Jasině - dva dny sám v horách Zakarpatí
3. Karpattreky Beskydský Karpattrek (5), hřebenovka Kysuckých Beskyd
4. Slovenské hory Přechod hlavního hřebene Západních Tater - Roháčů, nejnáročnější hřebenovka Slovenska
5. České hory Dvoudenní přechod hřebene Krkonoš, hřebenovka nejvyšších českých hor
Nová anketa Trekingu, hlasujte i vy
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